Hearts Mod APK 2023 Download - Happymod.games
Hearts adalah game card yang sejauh ini paling digemari oleh para gamer. Saat ini, banyak orang ingin mengunduh Hearts APK 2023, tetapi Hearts sering menghabiskan banyak uang, jadi Happymod.games memberikan kemudahan untuk mendownload Hearts MOD APK.
Hearts telah melalui banyak versi selama bertahun-tahun. Hearts 2018, Hearts 2019, Hearts 2020, Hearts 2021. Hearts 2023 adalah versi terbaru, jadi Hearts 4.60 2023 sering digunakan sebagai kata kunci untuk pencarian pengguna.
Happymod.games Hearts MOD APK
Menghabiskan banyak uang di awal % game_name% dan perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang diawal adalah hal yang sangat menyakitkan. Happymod Hearts mod apk akan menjadi pilihan yang lebih baik. pengguna % game_name% memiliki komentar berikut:
Deskripsi Hearts Mod APK 2023
Play many popular variants: Standard, Omnibus (Ten or Jack of Diamonds), Team, Spot, Hooligan, Pip, Black Maria, and more!Design your own Hearts variant. Assign your point values to the cards. Let the AI play your favorite variant!Just learning Hearts? The NeuralPlay AI will show you suggested passes and plays. Play along and learn!Experienced Hearts player? Six levels of AI play are offered. Let NeuralPlay's AI challenge you!Features include:• Undo.• Hints.• Offline play.• Detailed statistics.• Replay hand.• Skip hand.• Customization. Choose the deck backs, color theme, and more.• Play checker. Let the computer check your passes and plays throughout the game and point out differences.• Review the play of the hand trick by trick.• Six levels of computer AI to provide challenges for beginning to advanced players.• Unique thinking AI to provide a strong AI opponent for different rule variations.• Claim. Claim the remaining tricks when your hand is high.• Achievements and leaderboards.Rule customizations include:• Pass directions. Choose which pass directions to include in the game: hold, left, right, and across.• Number of cards to pass. Choose to pass from 3 to 5 cards.• Initial lead. Choose whether the Two of Clubs leads or left of the dealer leads.• Points on first trick. Choose whether or not to allow points on the first trick.• Hearts can be lead anytime. Choose whether or not hearts must be broken before being lead.• Queen of Spades breaks hearts. Choose whether or not playing the Queen of Spades breaks hearts.• Assign your point values to the cards. Design your own Hearts variant.• Team. Choose to have the players seated across from each other on the same team.• Shooting the Moon. Choose to add points, subtract points, or disable Shooting the Moon.• Fun scoring triggers. Choose to have a score of 100 or 50 go back to 0 points.• Shooting the Sun.• Double points card.
Happymod.games Hearts MOD APK
Menghabiskan banyak waktu di hari-hari awal Hearts mengumpulkan Hearts dari mata uang dalam game adalah hal yang sangat menyakitkan. Tentu saja, selain uang yang dapat membantu Anda mengatasi masalah ini, Happymod Hearts mod apk akan menjadi pilihan yang lebih baik. Hearts pengguna memiliki komentar berikut:
Most difficult hearts game at level 6 that I've ever played. I've played for over 55 years. None of my family, friends, or co-workers would play with me for years now. I count most of the cards and have usually won 55-80 percent of the time with other hearts games. Your players are unpredictable and can also obviously also count cards. I'm only winning around 10 percent of the time at best. I've had to remember strategies to use against top-notch opponents. The ads are very annoying though.
My favorite Hearts app! I tried several before ultimately choosing this one. I love how customizable the game options (which is something most card game apps seriously lack), the UI is clean and simple, the AI is pretty good, the hands feel truly random (most card game apps feel rigged for or against you), and the ads can be removed for a very small sum. All in all, NeuralPlay has created another winner. In fact, NeuralPlay has become my favorite card game app developer. Highly recommended!
Download Hearts Mod Apk dari Happymod Tutorial
A. Download dan instal APK Happymod di https://happymod.games/.
B. Cari Hearts di aplikasi Happymod.
C. Klik MOD yang anda inginkan dalam daftar hasil pencarian Hearts.
D. Klik download package untuk menginstal Hearts MOD APK.