Beast Duelled Mod APK 2023 Download -
Beast Duelled adalah game puzzle yang sejauh ini paling digemari oleh para gamer. Saat ini, banyak orang ingin mengunduh Beast Duelled APK 2023, tetapi Beast Duelled sering menghabiskan banyak uang, jadi memberikan kemudahan untuk mendownload Beast Duelled MOD APK.
Beast Duelled telah melalui banyak versi selama bertahun-tahun. Beast Duelled 2018, Beast Duelled 2019, Beast Duelled 2020, Beast Duelled 2021. Beast Duelled 2023 adalah versi terbaru, jadi Beast Duelled MAYrathon 2023 sering digunakan sebagai kata kunci untuk pencarian pengguna. Beast Duelled MOD APK
Menghabiskan banyak uang di awal % game_name% dan perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang diawal adalah hal yang sangat menyakitkan. Happymod Beast Duelled mod apk akan menjadi pilihan yang lebih baik. pengguna % game_name% memiliki komentar berikut:
Deskripsi Beast Duelled Mod APK 2023
Beast Duelled is an infinite, high stress, puzzle fight game featuring all your favourite characters from that thing you played once, you think, maybe.Created with 3 of my personal favourites in mind:-- Fast paced, high stress Bejewelled style puzzles.- Over the top, gory cartoon violence.- Several hundred unlockable characters with even more to come in regular free updates.- And a bonus forth: no micro transactions, pay walls or similar scumbaggery.INSTRUCTIONS (short version)- Tap 2 adjacent bullets, or drag them into each other, to swap their positions.- Line up 3 or more of the same colour to attack.- If you get stuck, tap your character to rearrange the board at the expense of a chunk of health.TIPS & OTHER DETAILS- There are sound controls at the right of the character select screen. Tap them once to mute everything, twice to play without music and thrice to reactivate all sounds.- Tap the bullet chambers on the character select screen to switch between normal and colour blind mode. (Get wins to unlock more!)- Defeat a character to unlock them.- Win or lose, a new opponent will appear.- Wins increase the difficulty.- Loses decrease the difficulty.- The higher the difficulty, the better the chance of facing someone you haven't unlocked yet.- A subtle folder icon will appear on the top left of the screen when you fatality somebody you've already unlocked. Use it to return to the character select screen.- Apart from your starters, characters appear alphabetically (disregarding "The"s) on the character select screen. Take note of your favourites, when you first beat them, if you want to find them easily later.- With a bullet (game piece) highlighted you can tap it again to deselect it.- Alternatively you can tap a non-adjacent bullet to highlight it instead with no penalty.- However if you tap 2 adjacent bullets (i.e. try to make a move) and fail to match at least 3 colours in a row, your opponent will attack.- Normally they attack when the timer reaches zero.- The timer resets when either you or the opponent attacks.- Bullets have no falling animation, they instantly appear in place. This is intentional to maintain the game's fast pace.- Despite this, combos are still possible for extra damage if bullets fall into matching rows. If you see a lot of explosions, you're doing it right!- If you get stuck, tap your character to rearrange the board at the expense of a chunk of health. (Yeah, I know but it's important!)- You can't do this if it'll kill you.- There's also code left in there that maps this function to the spacebar. Don't see why it wouldn't still work if you're on BlueStacks or something.- No worries if you get a call, the game will pause when not active even if you're in the middle of a fight.- Still having trouble? See here- on release: 60Halloween Costumes: +15November Pain: +6XXXmas: +18???: +1New Year: +8???: +1Janeurysm: +11???: +1Heart Attack Pack: +8The Cyber 6 Pack: +6Mashup March: +10The Return of Zombie Jesus (AKA Easter): +5Spring Cleaning: +97 Sins: +7Beast Pixels: +5Opposite Day: +10???: +253xy83457.COM: +2The Cyber 7 Pack: +7Up the Summer: +7Requests: +4Last of 2016: +11I lied: +9First of 2017: +14Blasty Beach Bastards: +5Crappy Birthday: +1???: +1BBS News: +6St.Paddy's Pack: +22???: +1 ???: +3MAYrathon: +56!!Lap of Honour: +9Cyber 8 Pack: +23Ammo Pack: +16 +AMMO SELECT +COLOUR BLIND MODEGrand Finale: +27TOTAL: 407 Beast Duelled MOD APK
Menghabiskan banyak waktu di hari-hari awal Beast Duelled mengumpulkan Beast Duelled dari mata uang dalam game adalah hal yang sangat menyakitkan. Tentu saja, selain uang yang dapat membantu Anda mengatasi masalah ini, Happymod Beast Duelled mod apk akan menjadi pilihan yang lebih baik. Beast Duelled pengguna memiliki komentar berikut:
This is fun not that fun when it keeps giving you the same guys
This is worth the money to play and for a puzzle game it's pretty good and addictive.
Download Beast Duelled Mod Apk dari Happymod Tutorial
A. Download dan instal APK Happymod di
B. Cari Beast Duelled di aplikasi Happymod.
C. Klik MOD yang anda inginkan dalam daftar hasil pencarian Beast Duelled.
D. Klik download package untuk menginstal Beast Duelled MOD APK.