Download Ultimate EMF Detector PRO Mod APK 2023 -
Ultimate EMF Detector PRO adalah aplikasi yang sejauh ini paling disukai oleh pengguna. Saat ini, banyak orang ingin mengunduh Ultimate EMF Detector PRO apk 2023, tetapi Ultimate EMF Detector PRO membutuhkan banyak uang untuk menggunakannya, jadi Ultimate EMF Detector PRO mod apk telah menjadi aplikasi yang paling sering dicari. memberikan kemudahan untuk mendownload Ultimate EMF Detector PRO MOD APK.
Ultimate EMF Detector PRO telah melalui banyak versi selama bertahun-tahun. Ultimate EMF Detector PRO 2018, Ultimate EMF Detector PRO 2019, Ultimate EMF Detector PRO 2020, Ultimate EMF Detector PRO 2021. Ultimate EMF Detector PRO 2023 adalah versi terbaru, jadi Ultimate EMF Detector PRO 3.0 2023 sering digunakan sebagai kata kunci untuk penelusuran pengguna. menyediakan versi berbeda dari Ultimate EMF Detector PRO MOD APK. Berisi 3.0 MOD versi terbaru untuk tahun 2023. Download Ultimate EMF Detector PRO 3.0 2023 mod APK untuk Android GRATIS sekarang di!
Deskripsi Ultimate EMF Detector PRO Mod APK 2023
This is the Pro version of the Ultimate EMF Detector which contains more features and zero 3rd party advertising.!!!This app requires a magnetic sensor to work!!!!!!Avoid placing your phone near high power or strong magnets!!!Modes:1)EMF Advanced: Graphs, sound and vibration alarms and more2)EMF Simple: Simplefied detector3)EMF Lightbar: Main reading, radar sound and large lightbar3)EMF Classic: Classic instument with analog needle and lightsThis app offers:- Magnetic Field B in microTesla, Gauss and milliGauss and Auxiliary Field H in Amp/m- XYZ, max-min and graphs.- The classic EMF meter with the needle, LCD and LED indicator- Record magnetic data on txt file (with timer)- Sound alerts: Max, Spike and Radar - Vibration alert- Variable sampling rate- Set a meter as favorite - A few backgrounds and skins for the detector- Zero 3rd party advertismentsUse this powerful detector to measure magnetic fields, detect metals, magnets, cables and more. The detector offers great accuracy, graphs of the displayed readings and even the ability to calculate and show the auxiliary field H which is derived from the magnetic field. The simple theme makes it easier for inexperienced users to measure and study magnetic fields, while the Classic Meter offers a different feeling while measuring.Privacy Policy: Ultimate EMF Detector PRO MOD APK
Menghabiskan banyak uang di awal Ultimate EMF Detector PRO dan perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang diawal adalah hal yang sangat menyakitkan. Happymod Ultimate EMF Detector PRO mod apk akan menjadi pilihan yang lebih baik. pengguna Ultimate EMF Detector PRO memiliki komentar berikut:
An excellent app. I've been under attack by some hackers in an office building behind my home. Recently I began getting high levels of errors on my Ethernet network. This app allowed me to identify the cause of these errors. I was being EM pulsed, my entire home was. And whatever device was being used was also tracking me as I walked around with my phone or tablet. I have just recently fixed my network by changing all cabling from Cat 5 & 6 to double shielded Cat 7 cables, and keeping them short on the high bandwidth devices used for streaming movies from my NAS. Kudos! Now all I need to do is figure out how to get them busted for EM pulsing me (it's still occurring as I write this, with peak readings as high as 300 to 50,000 microTeslas). And I need to figure out a way to prevent these man-in-the-middle attacks they engage in too by over powering my WiFi access point with their fake clone of my access point. That's going to be a difficult one to resolve. Keep up the great work!
I have used your program to check out several different types and sizes of magnets I am using on a project. I have also used it yo check the Magnetic field around a transmission antenna. I haven't used it for paranormal experience yet, however, that is surely on the list. Great very useful program. It is a lot less expensive than the test instruments at work. Thank you. Clyde Lambert Portland Oregon US
Download Ultimate EMF Detector PRO Mod Apk dari Happymod Tutorial
A. Download dan instal Happymod APK di
B. Cari Ultimate EMF Detector PRO di app Happymod.
C. Klik MOD yang diinginkan dalam daftar hasil pencarian Ultimate EMF Detector PRO.
D. Klik download package untuk menginstal Ultimate EMF Detector PRO MOD APK.